Hibernation 2011

Extreme winter weather giving a taste of home to Packers and Steelers fans.

Last week, the DFW area experienced weather  that shut down everything. Temperatures were well below freezing with a wind-chill at one point below 0, and with ice and snow on the ground. With the forecast of ice and snow coming in over night, most people expected schools to be cancelled Tuesday, but no one expected it to turn into a 4 day hibernation. Hibernation was indeed what it was for every student, their parents, and many others whose plans were cancelled. Temperatures never even came close to above freezing and we even got more snow early Friday morning. And to add to the fun, this all happened the week leading up to the Super Bowl.

4 Days off of school; every kid’s(in my case, College Student) dream right? Well, not leaving the house and limiting your social interaction to just your family for several days gets old after awhile. It wasn’t all bad though. Here’s my pro and con list about 4 snow days.

Las Colinas Mustangs covered in snow and ice.

The good:

1. No School! It was like a pre-spring break!
2. Extra time to do homework
3. Watching a lot of Gilmore girls. My favorite show, and the perfect show for
snow a snow day! Ok, it’s perfect for any day, but especially snow days!
4. Watching the pretty snow! Even though it causes a lot of havoc here in Texas, I still enjoy the rare snow we get!
5. Hot Chocolate….and marshmallows, lots of marshmallows.
6. Wearing your PJ’s and sweats all the time.

The bad:
1. You can never get warm.
2. You don’t get to see many people.
3. You start to go crazy. I felt a little bit like ‘David After Dentist’. Is this real life??
4. There’s inches of ice on the road, so you can’t go anywhere.
5.  You go crazy. Did I say that already? Well, it’s a big one.

Despite all the craziness of not going anywhere for a week, things did indeed warm up over the weekend, and I was able to be a part of civilization once again. But wouldn’t you know that as we come out of hibernation we are expecting more sleet and snow starting at midnight tonight??? Will this be another snow day? We’ll see.

What to expect tomorrow.

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